1962 - Joel Cash brings
back an oldie but goodie; notice that you have to mail in your entry
to win!
Hits For Vicks/January, 1962 -
Art Johnson also asks listeners
to mail in an entry, naming an oldie but goodie to win an album.
1962 - Jerry Bishop
has drawn an entry and called the contestant; if she guesses the
Funword she's a winner!
Secret Sound contest/June 1962
- It's Portable Month and Jerry Bishop
voices the stager while Kurt Russell
presents the rules and the sound.
Secret Sound contest/August 1962-
Ramblin' Rose is #1 on the Swinging Sixty Survey, Nat King
Cole's coming to the Oakdale Musical Theatre on August 27, and Ron
Landry says you'll win tickets if you can identify this secret
Circle Fun on Radio One/ January, 1964
- Diamond Jim Nettleton gives
Linda Della Rippa a shot at Big D Record Roulette.
Sound game/July 26, 1964 - Dick
Pace has $84 for the first person who can mail in the correct
round of sound.
October 1965/Photo Finish contest
- Green Mountain Park Racetrack provides the prize and Big D's Sandy
Beach explains how to win.
When Big
D started doing phone-in contests, the volume of calls
put a strain on Bell Telephone.
No More Calls - If the deejay asked for caller
#9, he would actually interrupt the song to tell listeners
he had a contestant. This montage shows how Long
John Wade and Kurt Russell
did it.
When You Hear This Tone Hang Up Your Phone
- In late 1964 WDRC came up with an electronic tone to notify
listeners to stop calling for a contest. Jim
Nettleton explains.
June 30, 1968 - Here's how the
tone interrupted music less obtrusively than a spoken voice.
Variations On A Tone - In 1972
a female voice was added to the tone.
And if listeners still didn't get it, there was a more direct variation.
for Help/August, 1965 - Long
John Wade warns us to standby as The Beatles Holler for Help!
Tickets to see their new movie are on the line.
Secret Sound winner/December, 1965
- Ron Landry introduces
us to Bertha Harrington who cleans up, winning $504.
Cash Call/February 1967 - Don
Wade wakes up a contestant from Portland, but doesn't give away
the jackpot. Note that FCC rules about putting people on the air
without warning prevented us from hearing the contestant!
A Sitar/December 5, 1967 - A cosmic Joey
Reynolds voices what may be the longest promo in Big D
history; Sandy Beach delivers
a live tag.
December 1967 - It's Big
D's Stop The Prizes Christmas List! Kent
Clark says we can win a million S&H Green Stamps which is
exactly what Arnold Chase of West Hartford does with WDRC's
Jim Peters.
Mission Impossible/June 30, 1968 -
John Rode is the voice who wants
us to identify the "golden oldie from yesteryear."
(hint: think Kinks).
the Speed of Little D the Big D Dune Buggy/June 2, 1969 -
Al Gates qualifies a listener
to win a nine-foot surfboard.
April 1, 1970 - WDRC
again helps the phone company by creating an audio signal to tell
contestants when to hang up.
Goldfinger Jackpot/March 1970
- Joe Sherwood tries hard to
give a listener some cash, but it just isn't in the cards.
April 18, 1971 - Bill Hart and
Judith Vigneault of Rockville are both flustered when she wins the
Mystery Melody contest!
May 22, 1971 - Rod Allen
urges you to be at Gateway Foods in Vernon as Joe
Hager squares off against Jim
Harrington in a Hot Dog Eating Contest.
Don't Say Hello/March 26, 1972 -
Big D is 50 and Dick McDonough
says we have to say so to win.
October 31, 1972 - Dick
McDonough gives away a bunch of the company's cash as Mrs. Diane
Gondek of Glastonbury solves the Secret Sentence.
The Birds/Thanksgiving, 1973 - Find out who the real
turkeys are!
It's the Fourth of July and program director Charlie
Parker says you can win free Beatles and Beach Boys albums.
1979 - Disco & inflation are sweeping the nation
as Tom Kelly urges us to win
a Big D Discodisc and win tickets to see the
Village People & Gloria Gaynor!
April 20, 1984
- Apparently winning is easy. Tune in to Jerry
Kristafer for a chance to win DRC FM's Daily Cash Giveaway.
April 18, 1987 - Brad Davis
and Alan Camp give you a chance
to win a trip to Disney World in WDRC's Florida Fantasy!