In September
1959, Forker and his sales
team partnered with Northwest Orient Airlines to create a 22-day
trip from New York City to Japan exclusively for WDRC listeners.
Bacon and Fay
would be alongside as hosts for the trip from April 8-30, 1960.
One wonders how many central Connecticut people had enough flexibility
to take a three-week vacation - especially with a price tag of $1,942.07
first class ($1,523.62 tourist class) and additional dollars for
an extension to the colony of Hong Kong.

slick, colorful sales brochure promised that "...we'll be
recording bits of our program as we go so the folks at home can
have an idea of where we all are and what we're doing and seeing."
It isn't clear how many trips were sold but it became a moot point
when Bacon and
Fay were replaced
right after the New Year's holiday with a duo new to Hartford, Kenny
Reeth and Eddie
King. As Kenny recalled in a 2002 interview
on this website, they inherited the Japan trip and even did
one remote broadcast to promote it, but the departure date of April
8 came and went. In late April, Reeth
and King were
let go and replaced with Ron
this case, being on the air was no guarantee of getting in
the air. WDRC's three-week paid vacation to Japan never happened.