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Man From Mars Productions

Shirley Art
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Over the years, most of the weekly music surveys distributed by WDRC were printed on 8 1/2 X 11" paper. The top songs of the week appeared on the left and the right half of the sheet was either an advertisement for an on-air client, or a station promo. Surprisingly, very few of the surveys were used to promote the on-air staff over the years.

For several years, the station-related promotions were illustrated by front office secretary Shirley Klein. Her drawings had the telltale "SGK" signature embedded in them. Here is a sampling; click on the images for larger versions.

audio - November 14, 1969 Here's a rare example of Shirley on the air, featured in a November 14, 1969 WDRC Minitorial; the announcer is Kent Clark.

June 28, 1974 September 20, 1974 November 1, 1974 June 27, 1975
August 29, 1975 September 19, 1975 October 31, 1975 July 30, 1976

Click here for a photo of Shirley Klein.

audio:  40th anniversary promo featuring Shirley Klein Hear Shirley's voice in a promo with Ken Griffin.

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