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Franklin M. Doolittle
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Doolittle Duplex Gap advertisement in the April 1921 issue of Radio News magazine
Doolittle Duplex Gap advertisement in the April 1921
issue of Radio News magazine

Before his New Haven radio station, WPAJ, got off the ground electrical engineer Franklin M. Doolittle manufactured various radio components including:

  • Type 100 Panel Type Receiving Set

  • Type 102 Variable Condenser

  • Type 105 Crystal Detector Stand

  • Type 107R Decremeter

  • radio tuner manufactured in 1922

The device shown in the advertisement to the left was a Duplex Gap, a device that early telegrasph operators would have understood.

F.M. Doolittle abandoned his manufacturing operations after WPAJ took to the air on December 10, 1922. On February 21, 1925, the calls letters were changed to WDRC, meaning Doolittle Radio Corporation. In 1930, the station relocated to Hartford where it remain's today as Connectiuct's oldest radio station.

Click for more on WDRC founder Franklin M. Doolittle.

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