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WPOP's Lovable Lou Terri
August, 1959 - September 18, 1966

Loveable Lou, the Weird Beard owns the distinction of playing music ("with an arm full of music and a heart full of love") at WPOP longer than any other deejay. Born Louis Gualtieri, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Lou joined the military and tried a variety of professions. While working as an x-ray technician at Boston City Hospital he decided to enter the Northwest School of Broadcasting. His first on-air position was at WWNH in Richester, New Hampshire, followed by a position at WEIM in Fitchburg, MA. Lou joined WPOP for middays after a year-long stint across town at WDRC.

After The Big 14 he played Top 40 tunes at WHYN Springfield, MA; beautiful music at WRCH FM Farmington, CT; oldies at WRCQ AM; and hosted a midday light rock program at WIOF in Waterbury, CT for 11 years.

Lou died in a car accident October 23, 1989 at the age of 62.

audio: April 1964
Bryant Thomas at WTIC
1966 & March 6, 1972 - after January 29, 1974

Bryant grew up in Bristol and was one of few people to have worked at WPOP three times! The first time he was hired by Sam Holman to do news using his real name, Bryant Michaud. He also logged time at WBMI Meriden and WINF Manchester and was appointed station manager of WHCN Hartford in August 1966. Then it was off to Southeast Asia with his Uncle Sam as an Air Force Airman First Class assigned to the Armed Forces Thailand Network, where he did news and produced programs for six radio stations. After returning stateside he resumed his post at WHCN and spent a year in the WDRC newsroom. Before joining the WPOP News staff, Bryant also worked at WATR Waterbury and WNHC New Haven. He was named WPOP news director in August 1973, replacing Joe Barbarette.

After leaving WPOP his radio career took him to WRCQ Farmington; back to WDRC; WWYZ Waterbury; and 16 years at WTIC Hartford where he received an Edward R. Murrow award in 1989 from the Radio Television News Directors Association for an investigative report on the Connecticut lottery. Bryant did his third tour of duty at 1410 during WPOP's all-news days. He also spent 16 years as a reporter/anchor with AP Radio in Washington, DC.

In November 2012 Bryant retired from Associated Press Radio; he lives near the New Hampshire seacoast; see his note (e-mail) (8-25-18).

audio: July 20, 1972
before November 15, 1962 - mid 1963

Little is known about this morning man who obviously used an alias. He replaced Doc Downey on the morning show; newspaper schedules variably listed his show from 6:00-10:00AM or 5:00-10:00AM.

He supposedly left WPOP for WABC New York, though perhaps not in an on-air position. He later worked in record promotion.

His current whereabouts are unknown.

Tracy (aka Tracy Garneau)
prior to December 25, 1964 - January, 1965

Not to be confused with Dick Tracey before him and Don Tracy after him, Tracy Garneau worked at WDEE in Hamden with Del Racyee in 1962, before moving to WAVZ New Haven after a very short stay on WPOP's morning show from 6:00-9:00AM. Tracy also had a return engagement at WDEE in mid 1965 and worked part-time at WRCH in Farmington in early 1966.

Born on October 26, 1930, Tracy worked at WNRI in Woonsocket, RI before moving north to WSKI in Montpelier, VT. In early 1957 he relocated to WMMW in Meriden. While in Meriden he wrote a recurring pop music column for the Connecticut Sunday Herald. Along the way he also worked at WATR and WTBY in Waterbury, CT. Most of his career was spent as a record promoter. For many years he worked for Seaboard Distrbutors of East Hartford, and later as an independent promoter for Aquarius Distributors of New England. Tracy also did some fill-in shifts at WCCC Hartford, probably in the 1970s.

Edmund G. Garneau died at the age of 61 on December 4, 1991; he is buried at Beaverdale Memorial Park in New Haven.

WPOP's Don Tracy
about July 12 -after September 6, 1968

A native of Pennsylvania, Don Malloy spent a brief time in Los Angeles before heading east. He was a successful salesman for a major brewery before he caught the radio bug...then he was one of the Connecticut School of Broadcasting's biggest success stories. His first on air work was at the former WSOR/WEHW in Windsor, CT. It was there that he caught the attention of WPOP which hired him as a weekend man and summer relief Boss Jock, and renamed him Don Tracy.

Don soon moved to New Haven and WNHC's more music format as Don Starr; he also worked at WNHC TV (becoming the state's first black TV personality), then moved to cross-town rival, WAVZ. Don's radio journey took him to KGFJ, KABC TV and KDAY, all in Los Angeles, then a stint as editor for the R&B Report. In 1972 he started the Los Angeles School of Broadcasting. He served the Armed Forces Radio Network based in L.A., KGFJ radio, and KMBY in Capitola, CA.

Don's last known assignment was as a sales executive for KNX in Los Angeles. (11/21/97)

August-November, 1968

Tiny Tom
replaced Boss Jock Larry Black in the 9:00AM-noon shift. He came from Miami where he worked at WQAM, but had previously worked for WCRO ?; WKKO Cocca, FL; and WWIN Baltimore, MD.

After his brief run at The Big 14, Tom went to WEAM Arlington, VA; spent many years with the Boss Jocks at WFIL Philadelphia; then returned to Hartford to host afternoon drive at WTIC AM during the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Known now as Tom Melanson, he is president of a Rocky Hill employment agency, New England Personnel (e-mail); see his note. (5/15/01)

audio: October 1968
Bob Walker at WDRC
February 5-July, 1970

Paul Lockwood
hired Bob Walker for the WPOP News department from a similar position at WDRC Hartford.

After his short stay at The Big 14 Bob moved to New Rochelle, NY where he worked for the JVC Corporation.

For many years Bob lived in Orange County, CA, but now lives in Boynton Beach, Fl (e-mail)(7-16-22).

August 24, 1970 - January 2, 1971

Born Walter Eschenbach, Ben Walters was on the WPOP news staff.

After WPOP he worked for a few months at WEAM in Arlington, VA. In July 1971 he moved to WASR Wolfeboro, NH and, later, to WEMJ Laconia, NH.

His current whereabouts are unknown.

audio: August 31, 1970
Doug "The Bug" Ward
before August 15, 1957 - before March 12, 1959

Doug Wardwell's parents lived in St. James, New Brunswick at the time he was born, but since there was no hospital there he was delivered in Calais, Maine just across the U.S./Canadian border. His interest in radio was sparked while he attended Boston University in the 1950s. He came to Hartford after announcing stints at WGBH TV in Boston, Worcester and WSPR in Springfield. Known as Doug Ward, or Doug the Bug, he was a deejay in WPOP's pop music infancy; he was on the air from 2:00-5:30PM. He presided over "Bug Clubs" and did many remotes at Crystal Lake Ballroom in Rockville, hosting the day's top recording artists. An outgrowth of the "Bug" was his overnight alter-image, The Cool Ghoul, using different voices and guest artists via tape. While we have no WPOP aircheck of Doug, click on the logo to the right to hear his theme song, Doug's Drag, written and recorded by Ron Cormier (Ron and the Rattletones on GLO Records).

After he left WPOP, Doug joined WTYM in Longmeadow, then it was on to WHCT TV in Hartford for a year before a move to WONO FM in Syracuse, NY. While there he obtained his masters degree in Television at Syracuse University and eventually returned to the Nutmeg State on the University of Connecticut faculty. He later settled in for a long stint on the faculty at Central Connecticut State College where he was director of the television program. Doug earned his doctorate in 1975 from Nova University and retired to Narragansett, RI in 1996 where he continued producing commercials, films and documentaries from his home. Doug spent many years as a professor oc Communication Studies at the University of Rhode Island.

Doug Wardwell wrote a book called The Battery: A Story of Good and Evil published by Tate (e-mail)(5/9/13)

audio: Doug's Drag, the theme song performed by Ron and his Rattletones
prior to July 4, 1966-after August 18, 1967

This Connecticut native was born on February 11, 1934. After serving in the Air Force, Dick spent some time in Daytona Beach, Florida before becoming a familiar voice to Nutmeg Staters. He worked at WCCC before being hired as news editor at WPOP.

After his employment in the WPOP news department he returned to WCCC, later working at WNAB Bridgeport, WKCI Hamden, WRCH Farmington, and WELI New Haven. During the 1970s he spent time in public relations for the New Haven Model Cities program. At the time of his death he was the news director at WMMW in Meriden.

Richard Roy White suffered a heart attack and died in Wallingford, CT while driving to work on July 12, 1984; he was only 50. Dick was buried in North Haven.

Lloyd Wimbish at WKND
June, 1973 - ?

An Air Force veteran and graduate of the Connecticut School of Broadcasting, Lloyd's time in the WPOP News department was preceded and followed by service at WKND Windsor.

He also worked at WHNB TV-30 in West Hartford; WTNH TV-8 in New Haven; and WENH TV-24 in Hartford. In June 2009 Lloyd retired from the press office of Connecticut State Democrats.

It is believed that Lloyd lives in West Hartford (e-mail). (11/17/14)

audio: July 5, 1974

WPOP's Bill Winters

WPOP's Miss Marcia Fox

November, 1966 - after May 11, 1968 & August 18, 1969 - July, 1970

Bill took over wakeup duty when Woody Roberts left in early 1968. WPOP achieved its highest Pulse ratings ever during Bill's shift (July, 1968). He came from WKYC Cleveland but had already worked at WCEC, WFMA FM and WEED A/F, all in Rocky Mountain, NC; WGAI Elizabeth City, NC; WHAP Hopewell, VA; WALT Tampa, FL; WLCY St. Petersburg, FL and WQAM Miami.

A pivotal member of the WPOP BOSSketball team, he once broke two toes during a benefit game against the combined staffs of the Hartford Times and Hartford Courant. Bill left for a year to serve Uncle Sam in the Army Reserves at Fort Bragg, NC but managed to find time to work part-time at WFBS Spring Lake, NC (where he teamed with future-WPOP Good Guy Judge Harrigan). When Bill returned to The Big 14 he was billed as The Big Kahuna, "the World's Champion surfer and 14th degree black belt with red strikers."

Bill took over morning drive (replacing Allen King) in September, 1969 and was teamed with sports director Lou Morton.

One other note about Bill's stay at WPOP. That's where he met his wife. She may have been Woody's secretary, but Miss Marcia Fox became Mrs. Bill Winters.

When he left Hartford the second time Bill landed in the morning shift at CKLW Detroit. He later worked at WCAO Baltimore; WBZ Boston; WIBG Philadelphia; and was the midday man at New York oldies station WCBS FM.

William Thomas Winters Jr. died on November 26, 1975 at the age of 35.

audio: October 1969

audio: January 17, 1970

Dave Wolfenden in 1956

David Stanley Wolfenden was born in Newport, RI on May 26, 1939. He graduated from Rogers High School in 1956 and earned a degree in electrical engineering at the University of Rhode Island. He got his radio start at WADK in his hometown before moving to Providence on WICE and WPRO. In 1961 he was appointed production manager at WLKW; he also worked in news at WPRI-TV, both in Providence. His broadcast career included stops in Fall River, New Bedford, Springfield, MA, and WEXT in West Hartford before David found himself reading the news at night during WPOP's Ken Griffin Show.

He left Hartford for Bloomington, Illinois where he worked for five years Automtic Tape Control, pioneers in broadcast tape cartridges and automation systems. He did radio work for WROK FM in Rockford, IL and WJBC/WBNQ FM in Bloomington, IL. From 1970-74 he was a partner in McLean Communications Corp. which put WIHN on the air in Bloomington. Dave eventually returned to Newport and spent many years producing videos for David Wolfenden Productions.

Dave died in Newport on July 21, 2016 after a long battle with non-Hodgkins lymphoma; he was 77.

audio: May 18, 1964
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