Man From Mars Productions
August 23, 2001, 4:16:22PM
your radio info about Lee Vogel. In 1964, Lee and his wife were
Godparents for one of my children when he was with CKEY Radio in
Toronto. I had just left CKCR Radio in Kitchener, Ontario and was
living in Brampton at the time. I had attempted to locate Lee over
the years, but didn't know where he went when he left CKEY sometime
in the mid-60's. Just recently I was able unearth some interesting
details. Apparently Lee went to Miami, I assume in 1967, and in
1968/69 contracted cancer and I'm told he passed away in 1970. Now
I'm assuming it's the same Lee Vogel as your photo would prove that
out, however your site says he is in Buffalo. Is it possible to
confirm that? Would be pleased to get any further info if available.
Many thanks...
Megaffin (e-mail)
note: There were two Lee Vogels. The one that worked at WDRC died
in 2016. The other one worked at WHB Kansas City, WMAQ Chicago,
WEAW-WTAQ Evanston, wDGE Minneapolis, KSTP Minneapolis and was working
at WQAM Miami when he died April 21, 1970 of Hodgkin's disease.
He was only 42.
August 22, 2001, 11:21:50AM
Overson here who use to work with Jack Morgan, actually know as
Jack Tupper. Jack is no longer with us. He passed away several years
ago and is now part of Rock and Roll Heaven with Charlie Parker
as the PD.
A short
story with Jack. When he came to WDRC he Charlie Parker changed
his name from Jack Tupper to Jack Morgan, JM in the AM as Charlie
would say. Jack often would forget calling himself Jack Morgan and
would slip with his real name of Jack Tupper. To help Jack I put
the name "Jack Morgan" on a bright red plain bumper sticker. Jack
would put the label in front of him when he would go on the air.
When Jack left the Big D to go back to Portland Main at WGAN, he
went back to his real name of Jack Tupper. Jack wrote me a letter
asking me to make another label of "Jack Tupper" so he could remember
his name because he kept saying Jack Morgan, JM in the AM.
and I were also responsible for the famous Walt Dibble sports jingles,
the daily radio episodes of the Lone Ranger and the Saturday morning
movie. Working with Jack was a real treat. He will be missed.
Overson (e-mail)
July 17, 2001, 8:15:54AM
1971, my boyfriend won the contest "keep your hands on a Toyota
and never let go"...the contest was geared to do just that...taking
place at Lynch Toyota in Manchester.. I don't think they ever expected
people to stay standing up for 7 days,outside in October, with a
small snowstorm...holding on to a car...and THEY COULDNT MOVE...BUT
EVERY 12 HOURS, i think they had like a 15 minute bathroom break...well
anyways..and HE WON! The radio station was also camped out there
broadcasting live.....I have those articles also...it was such a
I think
I missed my calling should have gone to Connecticut School of Broadcasting..as
I said still love music... concerts ...I think there was more going
on in 1966...the Bushnell as you have on your website, had show
after show...i think i went to 90% of them...in fact I remember
Ken Griffin got my girlfriend backstage for Hermans Hermit..she
was like this big fan...and she was thrilled...
Civiello (e-mail)
July 7, 2001, 5:24:32PM
to hear from you and visit your terrific web site. It brings back
some old memories. I was raised in Manchester when AM Top 40 was
king and WPOP and WDRC were going head-to-head. I was a faithful
BigD listener (loved those Swinging 60 Surveys) and some of the
personalities on your site were my heroes as a kid, especially Ron
Landry and Sandy Beach -- what creative talents! It was a real thrill
to later work at both of those stations. I was a full-time anchor
at WPOP after it went all-news, and then a part-time newsman at
WDRC while news director at WNVR and while also working at WCBS-FM
briefly. Those were the days. Where did we get the energy?!
for my career, I started out wanting to be a jock, trying to emulate
those heroes of the airwaves from my youth. I soon found news was
my true calling. Here's the path I took: WBMI Meriden (12/70-5/71),
WKSS Hartford (5/71-12/71), WNTY Southington (7/71-12/71), WINY
Putnam (11/71-4/77), WPOP Hartford (4/77-1/80), WDRC Hartford (2/80-9/81),
WNVR Waterbury (2/80-9/81), WCBS-FM New York (7/81-9/81) and AP
Radio Washington (9/81-present). I hated to leave Connecticut, but
the News Mecca of Washington beckoned.
knew some super people at Big D, including Tom Kelly and Bob Marx.
I see Tom here in Washington occassionally. Rob Branham was another
(he had moved into sales by the time he was at DRC). Sadly, Rob
died of leukemia several years ago. I also worked with Bryant Thomas
-- another name on your list -- at WPOP. And we've been working
in the same newsroom at AP for about five years now. In fact, there
are several Connecticut radio folks who have worked or still are
working at AP -- including entertainment editor Michael Weinfeld
(gave him his first job when I was news director at WINY). Small
world, huh?
thanks for adding me to your list.
David Melendy (e-mail)
June 27, 2001, 9:09:28PM
a scary thing to type your name into a search engine and get a response.
I am listed as one of the engineers who worked for the "Big D".
I worked with Don Wade and Sandy Beach as control room operator,
Oct '66 to April '68. Some of the best times of my broadcast career.
Diskes (e-mail)
June 22, 2001, 12:51:22AM
Ed, I was just going through the WDRCOBG site. It's great. You've
done a good job. For complete accuracy, I replaced Walt Dibble as
News Director in August 1977 (moving from WAVZ where I had been
news director for 2 years) and Ken Trimble actually started in January
1978. I was let go just after the Christmas and New Years break.
Although my time was short, I consider it a highlight of my life
to have been hired by Charlie Parker and to have been a part of
WDRC even though it was only about 6 months.
Martin (e-mail)
June 19, 2001, 8:06:46PM [in
reference to the article in TV/Radio Mirror, September, 1963
published after Jerry left WDRC]
I left WDRC it was rather abrupt. So if memory serves me correctly
the story is as follows. I told Bertha I wanted to go to the west
coast. She got on the phone and told me to send a tape to KCBQ in
San Diego..a Lee Bartell station. Ironically the article appeared
in one of his publications. Within two days, after I sent the tape,
they called to tell me I had the job. All I had to do was meet Bartell
in New York so he could check me out....I was in San Diego working
two weeks after they called me. The interview for the magazine happened
before I had any idea that I was leaving DRC so they had it altered
for that September...I believe I still have a copy of it. I hope
all is well with you. Thanks for everything,
Bishop (e-mail)
the Bye, I'm still keeping my hand in with the Judge Judy show and
a couple of voice overs here and there..life is good!
June 16, 2001, 10:11:50PM
missed the best part of the history. WDRC started in about 1919/1920
in New Haven with the first ever scheduled programming. KDKA had
the first commercial broadcasting. WDRC, the Doolittle Radio Corporation,
first broadcast from a house on Bradley street before moving to
its own quarters. It moved to Hartford sometime in the '30's. I
grew up in a house 2 doors down from the Doolittle's, and was too
young to see any of this, the Bradley Street part, but my uncle,
Will Daly, who was quite a gadgeteer, gave Doolittle, I don't know
his first name, a lot of assistance. He told me about this later,
by then the Doolottle's had left Brdley Street, and a doctor was
in their house.
O'Connell (e-mail)
response: Bill, there's a lot to see on this site but you must have
missed the extensive material on Franklin M. Doolittle and his early
New Haven radio exploits. Click here.
May 25, 2001, 10:47:22AM
continue to enjoy your website and find new and interesting things
every time I visit.
looking for some old WDRC Radio jingles, and also, if anyone who
reads the board and lives in Connecticut trades/collects airchecks
of radio stations, please let me know..there are a few things I'm
looking for…and I have a few things for trade.
anyone can help, please email me: NLRadio@Newlondonradio.com
May 21, 2001, 7:44:38PM
all those who knew him:
(Otis) Coursey passed away this afternoon at 3:30. The world is
a much emptier place without him. His wife has requested no flowers,
but if you would like a make a gesture, she suggests a donation
to Hospice, who were so helpful to them at the end. No funeral per
his orders, but there may be a get together. If something should
happen, everybody will be notified.
your loved ones today.
DeCarlo (e-mail)
April 17, 2001, 1:44:36PM
Paul, 17 years old and I live in SouthEastern Connecticut.
I am not nearly old enough to remember all of WDRC-FM, I have been
listening to it for almost 15 years..(yes I did listen to it when
I was a baby.
love wdrcobg.com, my favorite part is the jingles page and the jocks
page. Andy Bricker, who worked at WDRC, also worked at WCNX Middletown,
CT (another one of my "childhood" radio station, I know the current
owner)..when did he work there?
go to school with the son of a current 'DRC-FM staff member..I know
ryan nagle, dave nagle's son.
I said, even though I'm not nearly old enough to remember alot of
these, what i do remember and listen to and rad onyour website,
brings back the memories past and present of DRC-FM!!
again, great job..I really apperciate it all. Thanks!
Walker (e-mail)
April 12, 2001, 12:09:20PM
for the tribute. You did an incredible job. Here's some current
joined WDRC right after I got back from the Army (drafted in 1967).
After leaving WDRC I went on to become a partner and Creative Director
at Mintz & Hoke Advertising in Avon, CT for 26 years. (Writing was
always my real passion.) We started with 5 people in a two family
house. When I sold my share in 1999 we were the largest agency in
CT and the 5th largest in New England. Since leaving Mintz & Hoke,
I have been writing screenplays and working as a free lance writer
and commercial director. By the way, all those years behind the
mike really paid off by helping me direct talent like former Big
D personalities Al Gates and Bill St. James for national commercials.
BIG D in it's heyday, with on-air guys like Joey Reynolds and Kenny
Griffin, and Charlie Parker leading the pack was an incredible high.
I wouldn't have missed it for anything!
Haddad (e-mail)
April 5, 2001, 10:46:30AM
name is Peter Q. George (K1XRB). Like you, I am a broadcast historian
(of sorts). I had a chance to visit your http://wdrcobg.com website.
I was totally amazed with the sounds and history you have provided
on that wonderful website. I was especially amazed on the clarity
of your sound-byte of the Major and crew on that Yankee Network
recording from 1941. I would like to invite you to visit my website
(RadioDXer.com). I have a lot
of sound-bytes and the ever growing "UHF Morgue". Please let me
know what you think. Thank you for putting up a great website. Best
Q. George Editor-"RadioDXer.com" (e-mail)
March 25, 2001, 12:50:04AM
I listened to WDRC from 1965 to 1980. Great memories and one of
the best sites I have visited ever. One of the favorite things I
have on CD is "Big D is 50" from 1972. 50 years of broadcasting
history. WDRC provided me with many hours of enjoyment. They will
be etched in my memory for the rest of my life!! Presently living
in Tulsa
Bartlett (e-mail)
March 13, 2001, 3:35:14PM
BARONE (e-mail)
March 11, 2001, 9:22:12PM
to all in the WDRC family.
you scroll down through the feedback letters that have been sent
to this site, on October 3, 2000 you'll see a message sent by Bill
Pearson. What is so tragically ironic is that exactly two weeks
later, Bill took his own life under some rather traumatic circumstances
down in Atlanta. I only learned of this recently and I know that
all who loved WDRC and the people who have worked their would want
to know, especially those who knew Bill and share the same feelings
for him that I did and do now.
1978, I was the 7-midnight jock on 'DRC-AM and each evening as I
drove home to Rocky Hill I would listen to WRCQ because the overnight
guy was a total whack job and never failed to make me chuckle. It
was Bill. Soon, I decided to call him and tell him how funny I thought
he was and we became friends. Later, when Charlie Parker was looking
to hire a new jock, I gave him the full court press to hire Bill
and he did. It was a perfect match and Charlie loved Bill's sense
of humor and style. I moved on to other adventures in Boston soon
thereafter and fell out of touch with Bill.
the host of the syndicated radio feature, Time Capsule since 1979,
I have an e-mail address on the Time Capsule homepage which Bill
stumbled across last summer. He e-mailed me, we got each other's
phone numbers, and we relived some old memories over the phone on
a couple of occasions. As a member of the ESPN broadcast team that
covers NHRA drag racing, I told Bill I would be coming to Atlanta
this May for the national event at Atlanta Dragway and we'd have
to get together, something I was greatly looking forward to. About
a month ago, after calling the broadcasting school in Atlanta to
touch base, I learned about Bill's passing.
time passes, the brotherhood (and sisterhood) that was such a great
part of the WDRC experience and the common love we all felt for
Charlie and the people he hired will be put to the test as members
of our radio family slowly dwindles. I'll miss Bill's goofy personality
and offbeat wit and remember fondly what a good friend he was. I
know others who knew him feel that same way and we all wish his
life could have been much longer.
"FM" Stephens (e-mail)
March 3, 2001, 1:34:44PM
Ed, Mike McCann here... just wanted to update you on my present
status: I continue to spend my weekdays as an oldies producer-reporter
for MJI Broadcasting - DRC-FM is an affiliate of our daily feature
service, HOT WAX FAX, which goes to over 40 stations across the
country. As of mid-February, I now have a regular Saturday afternoon
shift (4-7pm, right between New York radio legends Dan Ingram and
Cousin Brucie) on WCBS-FM, where I'd been a fill-in jock since 1998.
the signals of 101.1 and 102.9 overlap in parts of Fairfield County,
I hope that longtime listeners of mine will enjoy tuning in. Congrat's
again on a terrific website.
February 26, 2001, 1:26:24PM
two towers on the left were the two originals and the one on the
right is the present East tower. That picture was taken before the
present West tower was constructed which was in 1936 or 37. When
the construction of the two present towers was completed, the two
four legged towers were removed. The cement bases for the near tower
were removed when we expanded the parking lot in 1975, the ones
for the far tower still exist out in the field to the south of and
between the present towers.
Mulligan, VP/GM WDRC (e-mail)
(I asked Wayne to elaborate on the photo which
can be viewed on the History30s
February 8, 2001, 11:43:24AM
Steve Parker just advised me of your site. I worked for apx. 1 1/2
years at WDRC. Prior to working at WDRC, I worked in the 70's at
WADS Ansonia, WFIF Milford, WCCC AM/FM Hartford, WICC Bridgeport,
WKCI FM Hartford, WWCO Waterbury, WNVR AND WNAQ Naugatuck. I now
reside in Woodbury CT. I own and operate Angelo's Carpet One in
Waterbury CT.
Walker (e-mail)
January 14, 2001, 10:56:16PM
a dedicated WDRC listener back in the 70's, I have some info/memories
for you:
Young replaced me at WELI in 1979 and then went to WDRC. She lived
in Middletown CT. You might be able to get some more info about
her from Bill Rock who hired her at WELI. Also, I think Walt Pinto
was the afternoon jock at WELI around this time and he may also
remember something about her.
your mention of Dick McDonough, you state his show at one time was
3-7 on AM and 3-8 on FM. I believe there was also a time in the
early 70's when he was on from 3-7 on AM and 4-8 on FM. I believe
it was just prior to when Jim Scott became the midday jock on FM.
I worked with Jim Scott at WADS in the late 70's. He also worked
for WCDQ, WWCO, WNHC and WIOF. I think he may have also worked for
have a great site!!! Keep up the good work!!!
Darrow Loucks (e-mail)
December 31, 2000, 5:08:50PM
site! I spent hours looking at your incredible work. It brought
back many memories and allowed me get get reacquainted with many
old friends.
Dowling (e-mail)
December 27, 2000, 3:25:52PM
site! Lots of great memories here.
may want to make an addition that I was CE in 1983 (I left to go
to WRCH). Worked in production, then ACE, then CE from 1977 to 1983.....back
again from 1988 to 1989 (went to WTIC), now Corporate Director of
Engineering of Buckley Broadcasting and WOR in NY. Not bad for a
kid who grew up around the corner from WDRC's transmitter in Bloomfield,
whose mother used to win things on Joey Reynolds show all the time
(and now I work with him), then worked at The Big D.
nice to see that the site is really up to date with the addition
of the new drc-fm website.
R. Ray, III Corporate Director of Engineering Buckley Broadcasting/
WOR Radio/The WOR Radio Networks (e-mail)
December 17, 2000, 5:14:40PM
the DRC site - absolutely the best station tribute site I've seen,
and I've seen most of them (I think).
for your where are they now: Debbie Hanley is a fill-in weekend
anchor at 1010 WINS, NY. (Also working for us in a similar capacity
is Greg Jensen, son of Leif).
Harris Mornings 1010 WINS (e-mail)
December 11, 2000, 3:34:22PM
Parker directed me to this site ... it's great and brings back many
good memories. I was there in the late Sixties and early and mid
Seventies. Working there wasn't "work" - especially with Charlie.
(How many of you remember Phil Steben and Roger Peichert?)
a poem I wrote for Steve in memory of his dad - I know most of you
Looking back I still can see that smiling face that tickled me.
Those nimble fingers, click, click, click.
lyrics oh so quick.That mind of magic rhyme and wit. He'd laugh
himself into a fit! With words he was beyond compare. I learned
so much just being there.
To go to work was such a gas to be with someone with such class.
His sense of humor gave us all fond memories that we recall.
To know him was indeed a gift. His spirit still gives me a lift.
One of a kind, I must confess. (But. boy, his desk was such a
to all - Karen Fritze (aka: Putinas) (e-mail)
November 28, 2000, 8:32:06AM
Nettleton can now be heard on WOGL "every" weekday from 3-7PM .
Just thought I'd let you know.
November 20, 2000, 10:15:14AM
up in Hartford from 1963-1981, before coming to Boston. I was one
of those weird radio geeks who was a chronic contest winner and
wrote down every one of the weekly Top 30 countdowns that Dick McDonough
hosted on Fridays from 3 to 6. Based on all of the Top 40 songs
that played on the Big D, I started a radio program called "The
Lost 45s" which celebrates 19 years this month. It has spawned a
best-selling book and CD series as well. The show can be heard on
my web site at http://www.lost45.com.
Thanks to everyone who worked at AM 1360 for getting me started
in the business.
Scott (e-mail)
October 26, 2000, 1:04:18AM
God! I didn't know this site existed until I surfed into it from
www.440.com! What a phenomenon!!
The memories--I've blown an hour reading everyone's wonderful e-mails
and have yet to get to the main body of the site--but I gotta get
some sleep!
Stu Kaufman is alive and well
in suburban Minneapolis; he and his new ladyfriend, Connie, are
running a kids' daycare center out of their home. He's happy, healthy
and well. I'm still in Chatham, NJ and having a very successful
and enjoyable voice-over career (13 years, the last 10 fulltime)
and second marriage (6 1/2 years and counting). I still miss radio
occasionally but deeply, and will be always be grateful to Charlie
Parker (one of the true saints of the business and an absolutely
remarkable and wonderful human being) for (1) bringing me into the
WDRC family and (2) all the incredible stuff I learned just by being
around him. Hangin' around with Charlie was certainly the radio
equivalent of sitting with a guru.
WHERE did you get that aircheck of me--and the one of Stu?!?!?!
What a trip, especially hearing Stu talk into the legendary before-midnight
playing of "Stairway!"
the interest of completeness, after WCCC (80-81), I was at WPLR
(81-84) before Bob Paiva (another name from the past!)drafted me
into WWYZ in '85.
might also want to add Scott Hartley to your list of alumni. He
was part-time from 1979-80; previously he was at WHVY, Springfield
and WHCN, Hartford. One of the last things I did as PD at WCCC in
'81 (where I went after D103) was to bring him in as a part-timer;
he did one shift there and was swept out along with me! He's now
a States Attorney in Waterbury, CT, and, more important, a widely-respected
railroad photographer, historian, author and expert on the New Haven
a sidebar, since I know you're also a student of Hartford radio,
both Winn White and Jim Zeiner (ex-WHCN, early 70's) passed away
in 1999. Winn had cancer; he had been news director of a couple
of stations in Florida. Jim was retired and not in the best of health,
but still dreamed of getting back on the air; he had a heart attack
in the early summer. A memorial service late in the summer was attended
by myself and fellow ex-'HCNner Jim Shanahan (now Shannon).
Ed, thanks for the true Washington Monument of Radio Websites. I
can't wait to spend more time checking it out!
Country Paul Payton "Have Voice, Will Travel" 973-701-0707 (e-mail)
S. Rabbett, you should've told
me; I would have wiped the board down for you!
October 18, 2000, 1:45:12PM
I became
familiar with WDRC approximately thirty years ago-It's hard to believe
the station went through several formats before becoming an oldies
station-I just discovered the website today - It's quite fascinating
- Anyone who remembers WDRC during its glory days will be happy
to see this website-
Burton, Bridgeport,Connecticut (e-mail)
October 15, 2000, 6:29:42PM
WDRC site! I used to work for the Hartford Courant. In the late
summer of 1968, I interviewed Ken Griffin and visited the WDRC studio
at 750 Main Street as he did "Scene of the Unheard." It was groundbreaking
for its time, but the funny thing is (and I am sure Griffin would
agree) that he had no real knowledge of "underground" music, at
least when he started. When I visited Ken (or just "Griffin," as
he called himself on the late-night program), I had recently interviewed
Jimi Hendrix, who had played the Bushnell in August 1968. I told
him that Jimi told me that the Small Faces were one of his favorite
bands -- and that was enough for Ken. He immediately put on an imported
copy of the Small Faces' "Ogden's Nut Gone Flake" album, proclaiming
it a favorite of Jimi Hendrix. The whole show was like that. It
presented music that wasn't heard on AM rock radio, but there was
no guarantee that the cuts he played were important, groundbreaking,
or even good. It didn't matter!
McNulty (e-mail)
October 13, 2000, 10:24:34PM
can imagine my surprise when I saw my name (and heard myself) on
your Website. What a hoot! I actually sounded pretty bad then. Why
did they hire me? Who else would have gotten up at 5:30 a.m. on
the weekend to work with Brad Davis and Sebastian? (Only kidding
Brad!) I run into Brad around town, and he still recognizes me,
not that we all haven't changed.
I was only on WDRC for several months, but I did continue to work
in the Hartford area doing a variety of media jobs.
I left WDRC, I was at WHCN from 1981 to 1985. I then went to Channel
30 from 1985 through 1986, then worked at WPOP (freelancing the
Manfredi murder trial). I then decided to going into writing and
public relations, which I still do. (I filled in on WKSS doing news
through 1988. Then I left the radio biz. But you never really leave
it, do you?)
Young is also in the area. I see her more now than when we worked
together. She looks great, is doing well and, hopefully, I'll get
her to look at this site.
'DRC -- I grew up in Connecticut and loved listening to Walt Dibble
and Lon Landis do the news. I was usually listening on an inexpensive,
AM-only transistor radio. I later advanced to AM/FM technology.
I never could have dreamed that I would be working at the home of
the "Groove Yard," -- the station that told us "Paul is Dead," made
us listen to all those clues and look for them on the various Beatles
albums. But at the end, we never found out what this all meant.
Did it lead to global warming? Who knows?
that you know where I am, invite me to the next reunion. Maybe you
will recognize me!
Parizek (e-mail)
October 3, 2000, 12:40:20PM
Ed.. This a very impressive site!! A friend found it and turned
me onto it just this week.
was with WRCQ 91Q before coming to WDRC (and the dates of employment
you have appear to be accurate)...I was encouraged to apply by Russ
Dana and Bill Stephens, and, having grown up in Bloomfield and West
Hartford, I was a fan of WDRC ever since I was a kid. I remember
listening to Ron Landry ("Good Morning, Old Shoe") , Sandy Beach,
the Wades...anyone from 1959 on would have been my inspiration to
involve myself in radio.
haven't done an airshift since 1984, but still do the occasional
voice-over. I now operate the Atlanta Broadcast Institute, in Marietta,
Georgia, and have been since 1988. Originally a Connecticut School
franchise, we've branched off on our own, and still check in with
Dick and Sally Robinson....great people, and great friends.
for the work you put into the WDRC site..by the way where did you
ever get that obscure (and meaningless) sound bite of me...?? I
hope that break wasn't the highlight of my WDRC career.
Pearson (e-mail)
September 29, 2000
the past year, since I left WDRC-FM, I completed a Civil War book
and have published through my company, Dixie Tales Books. The book
is the true story of my great grandfather, a young confederate soldier
who fought with the 16th Louisana Infantry Regiment. The title is:
Shiloh to Stones River.
book is distributed mostly to bookstores in the South but is available
for direct orders on Ebay (keyword "dixietales") and directly
from Dixie Tales Books.
Sales and reviews have been very encouraging and I'm currently research
a second book - the subject will be history but not the Civil War.
addition to writing, I also do voice-over work, mostly in the New
York City market. Former radio listeners who might wish to contact
me can do so (link below). Thanks for your interest and if I can
help in any way in the future, just let me know.
Sommers (e-mail)
September 28, 2000, 11:20:30PM
you, thank you, thank you....found this site and enjoyed it immensely.
To hear the clips brought me back and made me simultaneously feel
so much younger and so much older. Compiling this must have been
a labor of love...if you were trying to bring pleasure to others,
you have succeeded. Thanks again.
Seligman (e-mail)
September 2, 2000, 2:54:32AM
I got
the link to your site from a friend back in Connecticut who sent
it in an E-mail, and I just loved it, all of it.
signature on this E-mail is Joey Gelinas, but I was Joey Vogel back
then, one of your mystery newswomen. I, like many of them, worked
the utility news shift, anchoring on Saturday and Sunday and pounding
a beat during the week, turning in sound clips as fast as I could
feed them down the phone line to Kathy Wyler and Ken Trimble. Kevin
Brownell was another one of us utility newscasters.
I was at DRC I worked for WCNX Middletown, WMMW Meriden, WKND Hartford,
and WPBS, the public radio station at Trinity College. Afterwards
I was news director at WRTC in Rockville, then went to WTIC TV.
I'm out of broadcasting now, living in Arizona and selling computers
and computer components, sneaking up on retirement.
was at DRC from November of 81 to October of 82. The voice you hear
on the air check on your site is John Gary - we were JG and JV.
John took over for Sebastian doing afternoon drive after Sebastian
was fired the first time, and was still there when I left.
knows much about Suzannah Young, nobody saw much of her. She was
basically alone in the studio from midnight until Brad Davis showed
up in the morning - just her and Fred Sheaffer. That was the name
assistant chief engineer Tom Ray gave to the AM automation carousel
- Sheaffer was the name of the manufacturing company, and Fred,
or rather F.R.E.D., stood for foolishly ridiculous electronic device,
or funny, ridiculous electronic device, or something like that.
She was still there when I left in October of 82. So was Fred.
Wyler, real name Kathy Sullivan, would know what happened to Phil
Britten. I think he went to Boston for a while. Andy Bricker was
a music jock at WCNX before he came to DRC.
Hanley also was in the news department full time prior to 1980.
Ken Trimble was her news director. She left there to go to Waterbury.
his one day stint at the DRC news department Tom Renard did the
ski reports for the Connecticut Radio network, among other things,
and under his real name, Renard Maiuri, was the news director of
WPBS (now WPKT) public radio.
for your site, you've made my day.
Joey Vogel (Gelinas) (e-mail)
August 19, 2000, 4:13:20PM
August 9, 2000, 8:05:02PM
your e mail....thank you! checked out your big D website. it's very
comprehensive and accurate. you sure had a lot of personalities
to track down. to update you on me.....I had my stroke in 96 which
left me with speech impairment and loss of full use of my right
hand (can't sign anymore autographs).
had a ? after wcbs n.y......i was one of the first jocks on the
nation's first live all-oldies stations: wcbs-fm, n.y.c. under p.d.
john gehron who developed the first automated oldies operation in
philly at wcau-fm before being tapped to lead the cbs outlet in
n.y. you left out 1 station i worked at....the last one: wifi, philly.
there's something else i could add to your site, just let me know.
i'm curious......where did you get ahold of that cartoon mccartney
drew of me?
think there was one topic you left out, although i may have just
missed it: ratings........ during my stay at wdrc during afternoon
drive, we consistently scored 50 shares and dick robinson grabbed
55% of the available audience. in a market of 16 stations at the
time was pretty good going. wpop never got close.
John Wade (e-mail)
August 6, 2000, 3:09:36PM
- After 5 months, I have resigned from my afternoon show on the
"COOL OLDIES" station (BTW I managed to get them some good 25-54
female #s) because I have been given two weekend shifts at WSM-FM.
A radio dream come true for me - I've always wanted to work there
- I may end up doing some fill in on the AM too. Starting next weekend
(8/12) I'll be on from 7pm-12am Saturday night and 1pm-6pm Sunday
afternoon. Don't worry, I already have a big hat in the closet and
some boots that don't smell. In case your interested, WSM-FM can
now be heard in RealAudio from the www.wsmonline.com
website link to a yahoo broadcast stream. Happy Big D birthday.
(I've always been a redneck) Reeves (e-mail)
July 26, 2000, 4:29:04PM
at one time or another in your illustrious radio career, you worked
for WDRC Radio, we need you! "The Big D" is turning 40 on August
18th, and we'd like to hear a funny memory or a nice wish to send
along to our listeners in your name!
In the next week or two, we'll be calling everyone who's interested
in participating and record a :60 second "greeting" or memory for
playback on the air within the week of our anniversary. If you'd
like to be a part of it, simply send me an e-mail;
include your air name while you were at 'DRC, your phone number
and the best time, 9am-5pm, to contact you for recording.
We'll get those memories recorded and hopefully will bring a little
more nostalgia back in the lives of our listeners! Thank you!
Grahame Winters, RMA
Promotions Director/Assistant to Program Director
WDRC-FM, Big D 103
869 Blue Hills Avenue
Bloomfield, CT 06002
tel (860) 243-1115 ext. 247
fax (860) 286-8257
July 25, 2000, 11:11:02PM
I was
absolutely astounded to have a friend call me a few weeks back,
and play an audio clip of a newscast I did at 'DRC many years ago!
He e-mailed the URL, and I have spent hours checking the site and
remembering many old friends whom I haven't seen or heard from in
as an update.... I left the satellite communications business a
few years ago and now work in the Information Technology world as
a network administrator in the Watertown Public School system. I
also work as an instructor (A+ computer courses) at Tunxis Community
Technical College in Farmington and at Millennium Institute of Computers
in New Haven. Thanks to Dick for the teaching gigs as I cut my teeth
in a classroom environment for seven years at CT School of Broadcasting
in Stratford.
site... and thanks, for all the great memories....
Sherwood (e-mail)
July 24, 2000, 7:05:42PM
I stumbled
across your site today and I have to confess getting a wave of nostalgia
for the radio station of my youth! I grew up listening to "Big D"
and wondering one day if I might make to the "big time" at Big D.
Working just up I-95 at WHYN in Springfield with Joe Connolly, I
was green with envy when he made the move to Hartford. I bypassed
Hartford, went on to Richmond, Atlanta, Washington DC and then in
New York had the opportunity to work for a few weeks with then free-lancing
Lon Landis! What a thrill!!! I met Walt Dibble in the 70's when
he was at WTIC and he was kind enough to offer me a job --but I
was in Washington DC at the time and could not take him up on the
offer. So, while I never worked at Big D, my career brought me in
contact with my three top radio news heros! Is there a finer news
anchor in radio than Joe Connolly. He was the guy who taught me
everything I know and I am in his debt. What a great radio station
-- with some of the top newspeople in top 40 radio. It's a legacy
to be cherished and your site does a fine job in remembering those
wonderful days of "Earwitness News." What I would give to hear an
aircheck of Connolly doing a Big D cast. "76 degrees in the capital
city. I'm Joe Connolly W D R C EARRRR...WITNESS NEWS!" Man....those
were the days! Count me in as one of the fellow broadcasters who
fell in love with radio thanks to the work of the pros at WDRC!
Kavanagh, WSB Atlanta (e-mail)
July 16, 2000, 1:52:08PM
don't know you, but you obviously know a lot about me! Judd Otis
just emailed me about the site... wow, lots of work I'm sure, but
lots of memories: Otis, The Prince, Dalaku, Russ, The Rabbett, Bob
Craig, Barry Grant, Holland, Larrabee, Crow, Big Shirley and Little
Shirley, Phil, Roger, Korsen, Mulls, the news team of Walt, Joe
& Lon, and of course, the best of them all - Charlie Parker!
was 'DRC-FM coming of age as an ass-kicker, the outrageous promotions
and contests, the Big D Softies softball team I ran (and going 6
for 6 in one game - 3 hits each, right and left-handed) the Feed-A-Friend
Food-A-Thon, being snowed-in at the station during the blizzard
of '78, representing 'DRC (along with Wayne Mulligan, and then-WPOP's
and now ESPN's Charlie Steiner) on the Media Softball team, regularly
slipping out for an "early lunch" with Mulligan to play nine!...
I can reveal it now that he's the GM, our "friendly" Saturday football
games, driving by the civic center roof collapse on my way to work
the morning after, flying with Mulligan in the plane he and Korsen
shared, the morning Brad Davis came into my studio - panic stricken
- because he heard voices over the music (he was playing Chicago's
"Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is"), being
there when Overson got Brad on tape saying "I am a disc jockey,"
the 20-mile walks for arthritis, Ed Mitchell and his stopwatch,
The Russian Lady, riding shotgun in the front seat of the limo when
Bill Stephens did his "interview by the dashboard lights" with Meatloaf
and, for those of you who were there... "the toast" Charlie "received"
at his 50th birthday party! I can still hear him laugh!!
to update you - and for the site if you so choose. As you know,
I left 'DRC-FM (middays) the first time (August '76) to go to NBC
in Washington (where I again worked with Dave Donovan, who was now
using Joe Cipriano). It was tough, as Charlie was just going to
return to work from his by-pass, and I was going to tell him I was
leaving. So, I called him at home, broke the news, and he was nothing
but encouraging. And, when the format changed in DC, and I was looking
for an out - Charlie called to say that DRC's simulcast mornings
were being split, and he wanted me to take the morning show on FM.
I remember Korsen & Rick Buckley were down in Washington for the
NAB, and invited me up to their suite, eventually "taking me to
lunch" at a street-side hotdog stand! But I came back anyway, hence,
that hideous publicity shot of me with the tan corduroy suit, open
collar with the kiana shirt (well, it was 1977)! But, at least I've
got those WDRC call letters in the photo!
after a couple years, I left again, this time for San Francisco,
and mornings at KYA-FM. Nothing like listening to the cable car
bells from the studio! Following a short stint as fill-in at KOPA
in Phoenix, I moved on to Miami, Birmingham, AL and then was finally
hired by Bob DeCarlo at WUSA-FM (W-101) in Tampa. I started on afternoons
in Jan, '87, but after 2 years moved to middays, where I followed
the Bob & Judd's morning show. Blown out of W-101 after 7+ years,
I eventually landed with then-Entercom owned U-92 for a couple months.
With no openings on the horizon, Entercom offered me, and I accepted,
the full-time Production Director position at their Gainesville,
FL AC station. The next year, when they purchased another facility
in town, I moved over there as the Program Director of their FM
News/Talk opeation, which I built from the ground up. After a change
in management there, I have moved on to Columbia, South Carolina,
where I am currently the Program Director, and do mornings, on a
"Lite AC" station...WLTY-FM, Lite 96.7.
on a great site... I love reading about where the guys I worked
with are now, those who I didn't have the pleasure of working with
and, sadly about those who have gone on to that rock-n-roll heaven:
Charlie, Russ and Walt.
Taylor (e-mail)
July 16, 2000, 12:07:26AM
a site, and what an honor to have been on the radio at Big D AM
& FM, Charlie Parker and I became great friends during my years
there and if it hadn't have been for that prick Korsen, I'd probably
still be there.
best part of getting fired was me pulling a "Joey Reynolds" and
mooning Korsen during a snowstorm, Korsen never liked me anyway
because I was the first jock that refused to wear a tie.
Holland and Dave and myself would get on the phone and tease all
the fat chicks at night, funny thing is Dave wasn't teasing, if
I remember correctly he'd have screwed anything.
need some tape of Ruby Vine and Choo-Choo, gotta have some Railroad
Salvage and Bill Savitt Spots, we ran the same Savitt spot for my
entire tenure at Big D. I once created trouble for Dickie Robinson
when I made the statement on the air "See Savitt, you'll have it,
miss a payment and he'll grab it."
ended up in Houston at KULF and then in Tampa doing Otis In The
Morning at WHBO, and then DeCarlo came to town with Jay Cook from
WFIL and the Bob & Judd show lasted almost 14 years before we got
blown out, I went to San Diego and did mornings with Scotty Brink,
Brink & Otis in the Morning and then those pricks from Jacor fired
us from the Eagle 94.1 when they bought it out. They paid out a
three year contract and moved me back to Tampa. I'm doing some voice
work for Diamond P Sports and am heavily involved in two e-commerce
ventures and am part owner in DICKS PERKY PICKLES, "Big Roy the
King of Funk" (Charlie's middle name) I once sold Charlie a car
and I found out his middle name and when I was sure he hated it
I used to refer to him as "BIG ROY" ran into his son Steve while
in San Diego. God I miss it, some of the best years of my life.
had a round of cancer twice, once in the kidney and another in the
stomach got it under control, the next time when I sign off for
good my wife has instructions to play Stairway to Heaven,
if you didn't remember I did that every night and could almost make
it home to Windsor Locks before it was over.
for the memories,
Otis in the Nighttime in Tampa, Florida (e-mail)
July 12, 2000, 4:08:58PM
recently had a reunion with Ron Landry whom I worked with in Hartford......He
remarked about how he had wished he saved at least "something "
from his radio career in the form of air-checks... Then he told
me about your website..voila.
website is tremendous! After reading your familys' association with
WDRC I realized that your father and mine were at the station the
same year. My father, Joseph Blume, was a violinist and supposedly
played on the very first FM broadcast in this country. He later
went on to WTIC where he had a coast to coast show arranging, playing
and conducting for fifteen minutes every day. I believe it was on
the old Blue Network...Charlie Parker and Bertha Porter both knew
and worked at WDRC with my dad...Pretty amazing stuff... Thanks
for the aircheck info....The bio was great also...you sure made
this a labor of love and it shows.
84 I became a VO guy which I still am today....I voice Judge Judy
amongst other things...
Bishop (e-mail)
June 18, 2000, 2:21:04PM
dropping a quick line to say Thank You!!! What a fantastic trip
down memory lane! I use to collect all the surveys from WDRC when
I was growing up. In fact each Monday Morning I would run to the
Newspaper Box to get the Hartford Courant because each Monday they
would publish it. I used to have in my possession a Scrap book with
Surveys from 1968 through 1976 but over the years it has sadly dissappeared.
I really wish I had it now so that I could get it to you. Oh well-
Life goes on! Thanks again- I'm sure I'll be checking in from time
to time. Take care,
Tantillo (e-mail)
June 17, 2000, 11:24:52PM
a great site! You've done a remarkable job of capturing the magic
of Hartford's "Big D"! I grew up near Northampton, MA and listened
to WSPR, WREB, WTXL, and WHYN in Springfield and WBZ in Boston.
At some point in my teens I stumbled across 1360. It was not the
strongest signal in the area and I drove friends and relatives crazy
by forcing them to endure the clicks, buzzes, and hums of AM static
just so I could listen to DRC.
remember Sandy Beach's wedding in my hometown. I pedaled my bike
to the church just so I could catch a glimpse of a famous DJ as
the newlyweds departed. I think I played my COLOR ME OBG album so
much I wore the vinyl off. Imagine my delight when I acquired an
FM stereo receiver and found that with a little antenna adjustment
I could listen to BIG D. Imagine my further delight when, a few
years later, they went stereo!
ended up jocking in NY (WWDJ and 99X) in the early 70's, but I always
wished I could have worked at WDRC. Anytime I'm within 50 miles
of Hartford I tune in and relive my youth.
is a special place in my heart for WDRC and you're helping to keep
it alive with this great website. Thank you very much!
Doug Finck Gorham, Maine (e-mail)
June 15, 2000, 9:16:54PM
again, Ed!
e-mailing you for the first time a few months ago, I've heard from
two 'DRC alumni: Dave Overson, who was the terrific Production Director
at WDRC during many of the glory years and Ed Scarborough (Ed Mitchell),
who I worked with at WCCC before we later wound up at Big D at separate
times. The fraternity lives on 'til eternity!
was reminded recently of a WDRC promotion that Charlie conjured
up for Halloween, 1978, that really reflects the whacky brilliance
he possessed. About a week before Halloween, he called me into his
office and said, "I just got a wild idea for your show for Halloween.
How'd you like to do your show from a casket?" If it were any other
PD, you'd have to hear all of the details before saying "Yes" but
with Charlie, you knew you were in for a real experience.
on Halloween night, I was made up to look like a corpse and placed
in a real casket which was set out on display at the main entrance
to the JC Penney store in the Westfarms Mall in West Hartford. A
mic was rigged into the open side of the casket and there I lay,
announcing my show in a real goofy voice and playing the usual Halloween
tunes. The crowd was unbelievable.
however, was never one to leave well enough alone so he wandered
over to my casket and said, "I just had another wild idea. Let's
raise some money for Unicef. We'll let any girl who donates $1.00
come over and kiss you." I was sure the idea was repulsive enough
to prevent anyone from taking up the offer, so I said, "OK". I began
saying "Toss a buck in the box for Unicef and kiss the corpse!"
The response was extremely unexpected. The teenagers (and a few
of their moms!) lined up with their dollars and for the next half
hour, I was lip-locked like I had never experienced. I'm sure you
get the picture.
had even found a way to work an interview with Meatloaf into this
utter weirdness. Meatloaf had just released his "Bat Out of Hell"
album and was playing the Hartford Civic Center that week. Charlie
set up an interview for me to do with him in a chauffer-driven limousine
cruising around the city after the casket caper and he called it
"Interview By the Dashboard Light." It was later produced into a
one-hour special that ran on Big D on the night of the concert as
everyone was leaving the show.
was cool. Crazy....but cool.
Stephens Motorsports Host/Reporter CBS Sports/ESPN (e-mail)
June 10, 2000, 6:39:50PM
been getting a lot of emails from former listeners. It's always
a pleasure to hear from people who can remember that far back. Anyway
most of them mentioned your website. After clicking my brains out
I finally reached your AIRCHECK section and was I impressed! You
have more on me than I do. The stuff I have, in dusty boxes, are
so old the tape breaks like year old saltines.
other thing, I was able to hear a spot from a Nov. 11, 1964 and
your editing was flawless. That's exactly the way used to make auditions
and it took me forever. Good job. That stuff really brings back
a lot of memories. Looking across the glass at Wayne Mulligan and
trying desperately to communicate with my eyes what wild rack I
wanted and Wayne anxiously looking back, feverishly pointing to
cartridge after cartridge in our rack of 'favorites'. Times have
changed a lot in radio and I'm glad someone had sense enough to
keep a few things from the past.
May 30, 2000, 8:34:24PM
to write and say what a great job on the DRC site. I live in Cleveland
now by way of Hamden, CT moving here about 10 years ago. Yesterday
(Memorial Day) I spent hours listening to WABC rewound 2000 special
on the net. While listening I began surfing and came across the
DRC site.
up in Hamden I too taped quite a few local AM stations (WAVZ, WDEE
and WHNC) as well as some NYC stations. My dad worked at WELI as
an engineer so we always had a few 7" reel to reel recorders around
the house and Xmas '63 I got a small 3" reel recorder (I believe
it was an Allied Radio recorder) to make recording. Back in the
60's my dad would bring home Cashbox magazines and I would order
air check tapes. There were air check ads in the back of every issue
as I recall.
my dad working at an AM station (with earlier stints at WAVZ and
WNHC (radio & TV in the 50's when he was starting out) I guess I
developed a "thing" for AM radio because of him. As a kid of 11
or 12, I even started a log of all the stations I could picked up
at night from across the country. I would log the call letters,
frequency and date. In fact I still have some of those logs. But
the tapes I made are unfortunately are not to be found.
even had, and still do, this interest in transmitter towers, always
wanting to know what station owns what xmtr tower I may pass. I
often go out of my way to get closer to towers and try to determine
who's tower it is - I've done that many times here in Cleveland.
great job. Regards,
Miller Cleveland, Ohio (e-mail)
May 27, 2000, 7:48:00PM
was about a week ago that you emailed me with the URL for the WDRC
site. Holy crap! What a labor of love. And so much content! I have
probably spent an hour already reading and listening. It's great!
It's also implemented well. It's logically laid out and it is quite
fast. But you don't want me to spend all night praising it, do you?
Krajewski (e-mail)
note: Gee, Charlie, if you insist....
May 24, 2000, 1:21:50PM
Doolittle heard from! Thank you so much for all your efforts to
preserve the history of WDRC.....it was wonderful to see. I am the
youngest of the Doolittle's. It must also be interesting to see
how the business has changed to keep up with the ever changing times
of the past ten years or so. Most sincere thanks.
Doolittle Johnson from New Bedford, Ma. (e-mail)
May 23, 2000, 10:56:14PM
Doolittle just turned me on to the WDRC OBG website, and it's great.
I lived in Stamford CT until 1965, and listened to the station as
much as I could with WNLK in Norwalk blasting away at it from 1350.
I agree it was an unusually good station. I'll stay in touch & will
continue to check out the website...
Knight KyXy Radio San Diego (e-mail)
May 22, 2000, 10:20:38PM
I am
John Doolittle, the only Son of Franklin M. Doolittle. I have two
Sisters. It was ironical today to receive information today about
your site (from my Sister Lydia who discovered it) because only
yesterday I was reviewing many of the same historical information,
papers, and articles you must have used to prepare the web site.
With the death of our Mother in January, I took custody of various
articles, papers,and photos that Mother had concerning Dad and WDRC
and am trying to assemble it all to be able to share with others,
exact format/method not yet determined. Dad lead a remarkable life
of exceptional accomplishment and human decency. It was a joy to
be his Son and I have many fond memories of visits to WDRC during
the 40's and 50's. I see you are interested in QSL cards. Dad did
extensive ham operations both CW , hamtoham contacts ,and about
2000 phone patches for afloat and overseas military people as call
sign " K1RP "after he retired from WDRC in 1959. He initially became
a ham operator as a very young man, and I think I have his original
license but will have to check. It was one of the earliest issued.
this is to introduce myself and say thank-you for your fine site
and the historical information so superbly presented.
John Doolittle (e-mail)
May 22, 2000, 8:03:56PM
Mr Brouder,
you so very much for the WDRCOBG web site. It is wonderful to know
that WDRC meant so much to you and your family. My father was Franklin
M Doolittle, so you can imagine what the station meant to us. Mother
died at 97 early this year. She would have been so pleased to have
seen your web site, as I know my brother and sister will be. I haven't
looked at everything yet, and I am writing this with tears in my
eyes. I am overwhelmed with memories of the people, the history,
the importance of so many things I took for granted because they
were just a part of my childhood. Words can't express what I am
feeling right now. I hope a heartfelt THANK YOU will suffice.
Lydia Doolittle Johnson (e-mail)
May 19, 2000, 10:19:56AM
I'm on the air here in Boston the other afternoon when my request
line rings - on the phone is a gentleman listening to WBOS on line
in Phoenix Arizona. He then proceeds to recite my resume to me,
very scary in this business, and then informs me of your WDRC web
finally check it out later that night at about 1am and it's no longer
May 2000 it's more like May 1977 and I'm partying in the cemetery
across from the Blue Hills Ave. studios at 3am with a couple of
other jocks (who shall remain nameless) following a grueling 7-mid
worked at the "Big D" at the ripe old age of 22 I can't tell you
how many sweet and bittersweet memories it all brought back, and
how fortunate I was to be part of something so special. Let me tell
you how I ended up at DRC it's a strange story.
you recall I was doing afternoons at WCCC, the asylum on Asylum
Street, in the spring of 75. One day I go into work and the station
is pitch charchol black - the place had caught fire during Stoneman's
shift the night before. During this period WDRC was gracious enough
to loan us "Mobile Studio D" while we broadcast from our transmitter
site in Manchester. Since we were all over the news many people
who normally didn't listen to CCC were tuned in-fortunately for
me Charlie was one of them.
sum it up I started at WCCC on Memorial day weekend in 75. I knew
I wouldn't be there long, no one ever was then. I figured I would
eventually end up at another Hartford station like WPOP or then
91Q never dreaming it would be DRC. It still remains one of the
biggest thrills in my career the day I was getting out of the shower
with the phone ringing and Charlie on the other end. I went for
an interview and "audition" - you must remember Charlie's famous
auditions - the next day and went on the air that night for "Otis
in the Nighttime" on Big D 103. Having also done top 40 in smaller
markets I eventually ended up with the back and forth (Utility)
my time at DRC I went over to WTIC-FM in pretty much the same capacity,
swing on-air and production. going through a divorce at the time,
1980, I decided it was time to go elsewhere and moved to WFLY in
Albany for AM drive in November of 80 (the beginning of the Regan
era). I eventually became Program Director of FLY and realized then
just how much I had learned from guys like Charlie and Jay Clarke
at TIC.
I got the PD job I called Charlie, I believe he was retired then,
and he was just great with advice, he told me three things that
I will always remember. Always surround yourself with good people,
they can make or break you - don't be afraid to share the credit
with them - and always try to hear your radio station the way a
listener would, not as a jock or Program Director, this was one
of Charlie's great talents.
my time in Albany I realized my ultimate goal to work in my hometown
here in Boston at WVBF, WSSH, WBOS (89-92) and at WROR and presently
back at WBOS for afternoons.
for the wonderful memories.
Lawrence WBOS-Boston (e-mail)
May 15, 2000, 11:23:28PM
site! I got a chance to work with some of these people and it's
great to see them get this kind of attention. FYI Jack Lawrence
is doing afternoons at WBOS in Boston.
Rushon (e-mail)
May 5, 2000, 1:20:42AM
is back in Hartford again. When Art Bell retired, WTIC 1080 has
decided to give Joey a try with his show out of New York. During
the week 1-5 A.M.
Spencer-Northampton,MA (e-mail)
May 3, 2000, 1:12:34AM
is an update on Tom Renard. Currently, General Manager, KDRV-TV
(ABC) and KDKF-TV in Medford and Klamath Falls, Oregon. Renard stopped
using an air name many, many years ago. His real name is Renard
Maiuri. (e-mail)
April 27, 2000, 9:01:34PM
M. Bilotta
Executive Vice President
Buckley Radio (e-mail)
April 25, 2000, 9:09:52AM
was a pleasure to meet you the other day and check out your wdrcobg
site....wow you've really compiled a lot of material. here's an
update of my background:
state university graduate- b.a., telecommunications 1986 wrif/ detroit-
research 1986 wksg[kiss-fm]/ detroit- weekends & fill-in 1986-87...where
i worked with paul christy wkgw[magic-104]/ utica- middays & music
director 1987-88 wsrs/ worcester- afternoon drive news & evening
host 1988-1990 wods/ boston- weekends & fill-in march 1989- december
1990 wdrc-fm/ hartford- dec 31, 1990 evenings, moved to afternoons
in the spring of 1991...then when frank holler arrived in 1992 bumped
back to evenings...left shortly after holler's departure in july
of 1996 to host mornings at wpkx[kix-97.9]...returned home to big
d 103 january of 1997...full-time afternoons july of 1997 and have
remained ever since.
my time as evening host i originated, wrote & produced a number
of weekly magazine features aired m-f.... motown monday night....tuesday
night salute....1-hit wonder wednesday...thursday's top 10 at 10
countdown. over the years i have written & compiled a couple of
thousand pages of script. writing for broadcast my second love....and
yes i still have all the complete tapes and scripts! i hope this
updates your files....keep in touch!
taylor (e-mail)
April 10, 2000, 11:02:08AM
brought back many memories.... and that promo... What a time. Also
great to find Mc Donough again.
WDRC I went to WGCL- FM in Cleveland, working with Lee "Baby" Sims
for awhile..got sick of radio had long successful career in V/O
in Cleveland, moved back to Boston. in '84 to do promos for WKKT
under Bob Travis and have since resumed my V/O career and remained
in Boston. Now own Waterside Productions in new custom built digital
studio (w/ith ISDN, naturally) and do V/o's all over country. Lately
started Talentserver.com soon the be THE place to find great talent
24/7 on-line.
deeply saddened to hear about Walt Dibble, he was a great guy and
a fun "foil" for my little show. I never forget him and Pam Cross.
the best,
Kane (e-mail)
April 10, 2000, 1:11:44PM
I grew up in Springfield, Mass and listened to WDRC because I seemed
to have a sense that they were so superior to WHYN. DRC's graduate
list speaks for itself. I even remember listening to Dick Robinson
at WSPR before he came to DRC. Looking back on all this the period
1962-1965 was a great classic period at DRC and I heard them all!!
They excited me I went on to get my degree in Communications and
ended up working in the business as a "first phone newsman".
in Springfield I remember the Polish program on WACE usually Saturday
and Sunday afternoon. I think the guy's name was Andy that did the
show. Any memories or tapes???
Fisher (e-mail)
note: Jerry is researching a book on Candian radio from the 50s-70s
if anyone has info to contribute.
April 9, 2000, 12:08:30AM
Ed...enjoy your Big D site and info on all the names of jocks who
passed through.
Carney (e-mail)
April 4, 2000, 6:15:06PM
just like the wabc musicradio77.com site. geez i just relived my
childhood. the surveys and history are way cool. the personalities
section gives one an update on everyone. good job. now its on to
the man from mars site.
one thing put a few pictures of the am and fm towers in there as
if wdrc didnt have towers we wouldnt have wdrc. like i said earlier
when 750 main gave tours in 67. thanx.
lascko. elkton md.
excellent jingle offering
March 20, 2000, 11:03:42AM
know, everytime I go back to your site...I uncover a new memory.
What a great site.
thought I'd take a moment and send you a career update.... After
doing mornings on WHBC in Canton for over a year (#1 with a 16.1
both books), I resigned and returned home to Pittsburgh last week.
I had been commuting every weekend. It was a great station... the
people were fantastic...but we couldn't find a teaching job for
Jean that was as good as the one she has now.
also wanted to get back into my own business. I have an all digital
studio, complete with ISDN and I'm now in the somewhat cluttered
voice-over business. One of my first clients is WHBC in Canton...so
you know I left on good terms. If you get a moment, you can check
out my web site at www.harringtonproductions.com
I'm back in New England we should get together for lunch. And if
you're ever in Pittsburgh, we can do the same here. I hope all is
well with you and yours.
old friend,
Harrington (e-mail)
March 15, 2000, 12:31:34AM
comment on your site brought up a memory. "Stairway to heaven" wasnt
that the last song before midnight played any idea for how many
years? Ken Griffin played it and Otis did too. I would like to know
cuz I am going to call Ron Sedaille one Sat and have it played b4
Wasserman (e-mail)
reply: He's got me on this one; anyone remember?
March 14, 2000, 5:32:56PM
tomorrow, I will be the Operations Director for a four station cluster
in Panama City, Florida. And, probably, at a not too much later
date, I will be changing my e-mail since my web server does not
have a local number there. But for now, that will remain the same.
my business address is: Waitt Radio, Inc. 118 Gwyn Drive Panama
City Beach, FL 32408 Ph: 850-234-8858 Fax: 850-236-8071. When I
get there, I'll also pick up a cell phone for your convenience.
Life's adventure continues.
DeCarlo (e-mail)
March 13, 2000, 5:51:56PM
your site while browsing through 'reelradio!' Congratulations, on
a great job! 'The Big-D' will always remain one of my favorite gigs;
and, I'm really sorry things didn't work out for me there last year!
Here's an update for your files: Prior to 'DRC: KJLA/Kansas City;
WAQX/Syracuse; WCCC/Hartford;
Since 'DRC: WGRX/Baltimore; WMZQ/Washington, DC
Currently: 7p-Mid at WSHE/Orlando, FL. Take care, and tell everyone
at the 'Big-D' I said, hey!
RIVERS (e-mail)
March 9, 2000, 11:21:36PM
think your site is great...you really did your homework on it! I
grew up in the sixties and remember many of these guys!
March 3, 2000, 12:54:44AM
was listening one morning to Beth Bradley and Marc Sommers when
something happened. Some words exchanged, a little dead air, followed
by a string of music. Then Marc was *poof*. Am I correct in this?
February 28, 2000, 2:25:26PM
job on the WDRC pages! (still hate those guys, though!) Hey, I went
to your Man From Mars site,
for the first time. WOW! That is some collection!
Ken Wolt (e-mail) (Ed's
note: Ken was known as WPOP personality and PD, Danny Clayton, from
February 26, 2000, 11:32:28PM
"Where Your Friends Are" , which included Elvis' drummer was one
of the most dynamic packages ever featured on "Big D".....any chance
you could include all cuts?
Jacobson WTOC/WROD/KLAW/WATR (e-mail)
reply: I've mostly been concerned with getting
audio bites of personalities throughout the site. Perhaps more jingles
can be added later. Visitors--what do you think?
February 22, 2000, 3:15:58AM
You fixed the links on the page of the images so that Macintosh
Netscape people can actually see them! COOL! Thanks so much for
going to all the trouble to get that stuff up there. I hope Walt
Pinto and others have had a chance to see some of those shots. We're
all old guys at this point, so those handsome ole days of yesteryore
are often quite flattering... no matter how bad the picture might
have originally seemed.
a bunch!
Drake (Scotty Morgan) (e-mail)
February 21, 2000, 8:17:18PM
of your site, I've heard from Steven Capen and Bob Walker...two
friends that I lost touch with. Both were people that I wanted to
find. Thanks. A great effort.
Pinto (Kent Clark) (e-mail)
February 20, 2000, 11:25:54PM
is one great web page! I've been going through the DJ bio's and
have lost all track of time. Fantastic job. I think I may have corresponded
with you a few years back about Lee "Baby" Simms. Although I grew
up next door to New Haven (Hamden, CT) there was NO DOUBT that the
good radio was from Hartford (WDRC and WPOP). Remember The Wildweeds?
Keep up the good work,
Carlson, Groveland, MA (e-mail)
February 20, 2000, 11:01:14PM
just visited your WDRC website. "FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!" It is so neat---brought
back ALOT of memories, and is very informative. Ha---all these years,
I thought the DRC stood for Dick Robinson. I have now been enlightened
thanks to you! I never realized WDRC went as far back as it did.
I remember alot of the names, programs, etc., now that I've seen
them again (Swinging 60 Survey!!) I love it!! I wish I had sound
capabilities on this computer, but I don't. I'm just grateful to
have what I've got here. Anyhow, thanks for the memories!!! Very
Best Regards,
Willard (e-mail)
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